As others may (or may not) have this same issue, I thought I'd share something I have recently discovered from working with a HANA OData service.
My requirement was to do an OData expand request to my HANA OData service, which looks like this:
So would return the top 10 "bookings" with nested collections and items. and at the same time I wanted to retrieve an inline count.
This works great - thumbs up!
However (there's always a however!) when I want to get the next 10 ($skip=10&$top=10) something weirdhappens...
I get back the 10 new bookings (good), BUT they have no nested collections/items... all the sub-sets are empty... but this is not consistent with my database (and does not match the data I get if I do $skip0&$top=20)
After investigation, removing bits of the URL one-by-one, it seems that the inlinecount is the cause of the issue, because removing $inlinecount when skip is greater than 0 resolves the issue.
Any comments, I'd be very interested to hear them.. maybe there is something in the HANA OData view for these entities which I should have changed?
Hopefully this will be helpful to someone out there though, one day!