Hi All,
I have a calculation view (script based) which will do some logic for data generation.
I need to do random search on this view output with filter which i'm accessing via ODATA url.
I have included a column with SYS_UID value which im using for unqiue id generation and doing sort on output based on this
Unique id value.
My requirement is whenever i look into the url i should get the output in random sequence but what is happening is
say in the view i have column A, B ,C,D i will put filter on Column B in the url and view it,
evrytime when i refresh the same url i want to see output in random sequence. But that is not happening only the unique id getting changed but not the
order of output.
I'm already looking to rand() function but now sure how to use that here and will it solve the purpose.
Please help me on this.