I have been using Hana's server side javascript XSJS for a while. Me primarily coming from a javascript background, i try to write quite efficient, modularized code in javascript. For that the solid & proven way is to follow some of the javascript design patterns. (Learning JavaScript Design Patterns)
- Constructor Pattern
- Module Pattern
- Revealing Module Pattern
- Singleton Pattern
- Mediator Pattern
- Prototype Pattern
But with xsjs, surprisingly i haven't found anyone implementing those in their project's code or in the code samples. With xsjslib there comes an option for reusability, but i still find many of the approaches there is to simply create everything as functions.
As i'm trying to follow these pattern on my xsjs/xsjslib code, i would like to get few tips from the experts out here to know whether this is the best way to write a efficient,maintainable,reusable code or is this kind off overhead with xsjs. I sometimes wonder is this just because of developers in SAP ecosystem usually aren't from javascript background and don't really make the best use of javascript !