I am trying to translate the following sql query to retrieve the data using OData service. I am unable to use the placeholder, Is there a way we can use placeholders in OData request URL?
SQL query: select * from "_SYS_BIC"."sam.portal.views/GET_DISTINCT_VIEWS_FOR_TAG2" ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$ip_term$$','cost'))
This query works fine.
So now I created an OData service as:
service {
"_SYS_BIC"."sam.portal.views/GET_DISTINCT_VIEWS_FOR_TAG2" as "searchByTags" keys ("VIEW_NAME");
and I want to call the service using ajax call. Something like:
url: getServiceUrl("oData/getDistinctTags.xsodata/searchByTags?$filter=....('PLACEHOLDER'=('$$ip_term$$','"+searchTag+"'))&$format=json"),
Could someone please help me with creating the url syntax where I can use placeholder?