How to really kill a session
HI all,I have a session that holds a bunch of locks and blocks everything else. No matter what I try, I cannot get rid of it: hdbsql HDB=> select connection_id, transaction_id, client_pid,...
View ArticleIs RIGHT() right?
Hi All, I've just been trying to get the RIGHT() statement to work but I'm getting some funny results when used in conjunction with other SQL statements, such as RAND(), CONCAT() and TO_NVARCHAR().I'm...
View ArticleTable names as variable in dynamic queries
Hi, I have a requirement where-in certain operations need to be performed on tables whose names are determined dynamically, and stored in a variable. These variables are then passed to some other...
View ArticleSQL statments with semicolons in hdbsql
Is it possible to cause hdbsql to accept a SQL statement with a trailing semicolon in command line mode? For example: hdbsql -U mystoreuser -x -a "select * from SAPHL1.t000;"We would like to share...
View ArticleGet Hostname and instance number Hana trial
Hi, I have a Hana trial account, you can see in the attached image. Im configuring SAP Hana Studio to connect with my Hana trial database but I don't know how to get the hostname and instance number...
View ArticleConnecting LJS to SAP Hana
Hi guys, Does any of you already used Lean Java Server as web server and get it successfully connected to a SAP Hana instance? As I'm new using LJS (even Tomcat server), I have a lot of doubts about...
View ArticleLogout from SAPUI5 / XSJS page
Hello, We have a built an SAPUI5 application on SAP HANA XS. In the shell there is a logout functionality in shell, but not sure on how to implement it. We are using the below code for the logout...
View ArticleHandling of UNICODE http bodies in XSJS (HANA XS server)
Dear all, The system calling my Hana system through a http service in XS sends me an HTTP body encoded with UNICODE. The function $.request.body.asString() returns a string with a character, null,...
View ArticleSap Hana XS Engine
Hello, I have an application whose UI is built with HTML 5, php, d3js and using a Wamp server to run the application. The backend is SAP HANA.I want to replace the Wamp server with Sap Hana XS Engine....
View ArticleCreating Calculated Column using SQL script
Hi all,i need your help to undestand how to create a new calculated column with SQL script (if it's possible to do...). My actual situation is as follows: 1) Analytic view is the main object with the...
View ArticleCannot connect to HANA Trial on Cloudshare
Hello Guys, I am registered for 30 day HANA trial on Cloudshare but couldn't get it to connect.Tried all the ways I could find on forums. Below is the hosts file data10.160.66.184...
View ArticleHANA Develoer edition on AWS
Hi, I have successfully completed creating the instance on AWS per the guidelines on With step 5 for cloud integration, I am running into issue of page not found. The...
View ArticleHow to export a large Schema from one HANA environment to another?
I have a schema with one very large table of 43m records and a number of other smaller tables. I would like to export this schema to another HANA environment but am getting errors using both the...
View ArticleProblem trying to set up SAP HANA Cloud Platform In Eclipse
Hi, I am having a problem trying to set up SAP HANA Cloud Platform In Eclipse Java EE IDE. I manage to install the software from with no problem. However when...
View ArticleNot Able to create Attribute views in cloudshare HANA Trail system
Hi Friends,I could not able to create the Attribute views in cloudshare HANA trail system, it is giving the following error:Internal deployment of object failed;Repository: Encountered an error in...
View ArticleI would like to connect SAP HANA Studio FROM Local Desktop to Cloud Share
Hi Amigo,I'm new to SAP HANA. I would like to know how to connect SAP HANA studio from local desktop to cloud share SAP HANA Server.ThanksJahaber Sadhik M.H
View ArticleHow to Disable Autocommit in SQLScript Procedure in SAP HANA?
Hi All, Please help me with follwing: How to Disable Autocommit in SQLScript Procedure in SAP HANA? I want to Commit the data inserted in table to be commited only if a perticular condition is true...
View ArticleWhen will Hana Studio support Apple OSX (10.9) and Java 7?
Hi All, As also in this thread Hana Cloud Studio crashes with OSX10.9 Java 7 documented Hana Studio doesn't work properly with OSX 10.9 and Java 7. Especially when you try to model views Hana Studio...
View ArticleSmart data access with Oracle - "Unable to load driver manager" (JDBC 403...
Hi all, I am exploring the smart data access feature with HANA 1.0 SPS 07.I succeeded to connect to another HANA instance using HANA Academy videos.I am now connecting to an Oracle database following...
View ArticleAuthorization on HANA Tables for Select, Insert, Update
Hello, We are using Analytic privileges for controlling the data access from Analytic & Calculation views. But we also perform Insert / Update statements directly on the tables, which I want to...
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