Channel: SCN : Discussion List - SAP HANA Developer Center
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.net HanaCommand TimeStamp parameter error

Ok, I have an HanaCommand to save some data through a stored procedure, when I give a DateTime value to the TimeStamp parameter I get a "Illegal TIMESTAMP value for parameter/column (7)"Any input on this?

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Moving SQL Dynamic Queries to HANA

Ok, so in SQL I have this basic stored procedure: DROP PROCEDURE MYTEST GO CREATE PROCEDURE MYTEST (@ItemCode nvarchar(20))ASBEGIN  exec SP_EXECUTESQL N'select ItemCode, ItemName from OITM where...

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Exception Aggregation in Analytic or Calc View

Hi Everyone,    I'm trying to perform something similar to BW exception aggregation on one of my HANA views. I need to get the maximum and minimum 'Net Value' for various Material/Customer...

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HANA Indicies Ram Consumption

Hey experts, I played a bit with the indicies in HANA.  When I create a table and it is loaded into memory it needs 3,45GB Ram. After I created some single column indices the table needs 3,55GB Ram....

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Please help me by suggesting what to do or not to do for a Hana Certification . Well i am a SAP Consultant in BI field .

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HANA connection to PowerPivot

Hi. I am trying to create a connection from Excel PowerPivot to HANA and cannot get this to work. I can create the connection to HANA using the basic Excel connection. I would like to download a fairly...

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How can I connect HANA with MS SSIS?

I want to insert data with using SSIS.How can I connect hana with SSIS?

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SAP HANA Replication - Different number of records in a table

Hi Everyone! Recently I have been replicating data from ERP system to SAP HANA. There are about 560 tables, which have been replicated without any troubles.There is also the DD03L table, which...

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Having issues redirecting to SAP HANA Logon Page on Session Timeout

Hi Folks, Is there a way to redirect the user to log on page without capturing the page context when the session times out? I am working on a SAP UI5 App and when the user session times out, I see that...

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HANA Developer Edition for "Administrators"

I understand that as the name suggests, the focus of HANA Developer Edition appears to be "Developers". So, since I am paying for the cloud cost of the HANA instance, can I use this platform to learn...

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HANA data connection to Excel PowerPivot

Hi. I am trying to create a connection between HANA and Excel PowerPivot but cannot get the connection to work. I can create a connection from HANA to basic Excel. I have the need to download more than...

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XSODATA: 'create using' procedure leads to authorization error

Hello all, I have an odata (xsodata) service in which I want to call a CREATE operation using a procedure: create_new.  service  {    "ccm.data::model.dynamicCase.DynamicCaseView"...

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Replicate Data from HANA DB to SAP ECC(Backend DB)

I am using HANA ondemand trial account . I know that replication of data from SAP system to HANA is possible through SLT. But can we replicate data from HANA DB to SAP ecc system .Definitely some...

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SAP Hana Modeling-views

Hello Everyone, As per Db concept, views are  nothing but virtual tables and are not stored on disk. Now whenever i access my studio under sys_bic schema i see column views.Can somebody please let me...

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SP09 - File API on XSJS??

Hi all,   How can I save a file using FILE API on a server-side JavaScript? I have to use httpdest? Thank you.

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How to pass table Input parameter to a SQL Procedure in SAP HANA SQL Script?

Hi, I need to pass a Table Input Parameter to a SQL Procedure but i'm not able to pass it. Table TYpe Definition CREATETYPE"SCHEMA"."TT_TECHOBJECT"ASTABLE (         TECH_OBJECT...

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SAP PAL : No ScriptServer available. See SAPNote 1650957

Hello SCN folks, Well, the following seems to be a common error to most of the beginners with SAP PAL.  The error itself describes clearly that the scriptserver is not running. But I did refer to note...

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.net HanaCommand TimeStamp parameter error

Ok, I have an HanaCommand to save some data through a stored procedure, when I give a DateTime value to the TimeStamp parameter I get a "Illegal TIMESTAMP value for parameter/column (7)"Any input on this?

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create extra column/mark column if match found in table a vs table b with loops

Hi, Would be really nice if someone could help me out on the following problem. There are 2 tables: table A vs. Table B. where certain columns are the same. I have tried to make a loop to take out or...

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HANA table with "wrong number of partitions"

Hello everyone, I'm currently trying to do the prep steps before migrating our HANA system (rev 83) to the new Embedded Stats Service. The first check involves running the following...

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