I have the following SQL statement that works pretty well for a while.
And it suddenly stopped working today with the column store error. I have captured the trace log as below -
## tracing Statement_Exception call (thread 3366) at 2013-08-19 15:42:04.828793 ## ERROR QUERY: cursor_140024513007104_c43.execute(''' UPSERT FOO (KEY_ID, DESCRIPTION, SECONDARY_ID, EXTRACTION_TIME) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) WITH PRIMARY KEY ''', ('''62001''', '''Version 100''', '''10501''', datetime(2013, 8, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0))) # con info [con-id 200043, tx-id 69, cl-pid 1628, cl-ip <ip_address>, user: SYSTEM, schema: TestSchema]
## tracing Error call (thread 3366) at 2013-08-19 15:42:04.830417 ## FAILURE OCCURRED AT: ptime/query/plan_executor/trex_wrapper/trex_wrapper_body/trex_update.cc:1423 # con info [con-id 200043, tx-id 69, cl-pid 1628, cl-ip <ip_address>, user: SYSTEM, schema: TestSchema]
## MESSAGE: column store error: [6934] not enough or too many operands for attribute search operator;from table TestSchema:FOOen to table TestSchema:BARen, action=deindex, ref-action=restrict, original error was: not enough or too many operands for attribute search operator(rc=6934 ) # con info [con-id 200043, tx-id 69, cl-pid 1628, cl-ip <ip_address>, user: SYSTEM, schema: TestSchema]
I cannot find any related information about this error. Hope anyone could give me some insights.
For your interests, I also tried something else - I converted the SQL from UPSERT to INSERT, and it worked. And immediately run the same UPSERT query, it worked as well. And then I deleted that records and run the UPSERT again, it didn't work.
Any kinds of inputs will be appreciated.