Hi friends,
I have searched for this kind of error , before I am posting . I have seen one thread related to this kind of error .but I am sure I have not left any space in table name , I have given correct name path in the code , and getting following error ,
Yes , my Repository is working good , everything fine . but still .......................
ERROR workshop/sessiona/00/data/otable.hdbtable
Repository: CheckObjects failed for at least one object; Parse error for table definition: Syntax error in line 0 and column 0 : invalid value for boolean variable
Table name is = otable.hdbtable.
Code is :-
table.schemaName ="HELLO_ODATA";
table.tableType = COLUMNSTORE;
table.columns= [
{ name ="Col1" ; sqlType = VARCHAR; nullable = flase ; length = 20; comment = " dummy Comment";},
{ name = "Col2" ; sqlType = INTEGER ; nullable = false ; },
{ name = "Col3" ; sqlType = NVARCHAR ; nullable = flase ; length = 20; defualtvalue = "defuatVale";},
{ name = "Col4" ; sqlType = DECIMAL ; nullable = flase ; precision = 12, scale = 3;}];
table.primaryKey.pkcolumns = ["col1","col2"];
Kind regards.