Hi HANA mates,
I'm looking for a desing pattern in HANA modeling to implement the following use case in Lumiria (or other reporting clients).
In a Analytic or Calulation View I need to have a default filter for one ore more attributes so that:
- if the user does not select that attribute all queries run filtered for the default filter for that attribute
- if the user does select the attribute it is filtered with the default filter but other values can be selected
This is a quite different use case from what HANA Variables offer, since variables can be selected only at connection time in Lumiria and can not be used in Excel, what I need is a sort of "default element" for the attributes in a view.
I have a View with sales figures by region, year and month with the fields (REGION, YEAR, MONTH, SALES_AMOUNT) and I'd like to have a default filter for MONTH=12 so that:
- I make a tabular report filtered for YEAR=2013, with REGION on ROWs and SALES_AMOUNT on COLUMNS: in this case I want to see only figures related to MONTH=12, also if MONTH has not been used in the report
- I eliminate REGION on ROWS and put MONTH: in this case I want to have only MOONTH 12 selected, with the ability to select other values
Anyone have some idea?