Hi team,
I've just started learning SAP HANA and stuck with an issue of activating project.
I have one AWS SAP HANA instance,have downloaded HDB studio and client, have made sh's to start/stop/desc-instance/assoc.address and so on with ec2-tools.
After establising env i opened "Help Contents" and tried to create sample application.
I made structure that contained : MyFirstSourceFile.xsjs, .project, .xsaccess, .xsapp .
My first problem was that Activation process stopped due to wrong JSON format of .xsapp.
I found a solution - adding {} brackets into .xsapp solved it. I did succesfull sharing of project and commit.
After this - i don't have any error message in the Problems tab ( 0 item) - but i still can't Activate project. And the main concern - error message does not have any Details.
So - i don't know what is a reason of the issue. And i can't fix it also.
Thanks in advance,
Server works OK, i made project under "SYSTEM" user. Pls view screenshots to have some more details if necessary.
first Q was asked at http://www.saphana.com/thread/2278