I am facing some issue in currency conversion. I have all the TCUR* tables required for currency conversion loaded into my schema named "AMANDEEP" (they were present in another schema named "HS30877D" on the system but I did not have the needed previliges on this other schema so I imported these TCUR* tables into my schema AMANDEEP. I have imported these tables in the following way:
create table "AMANDEEP"."TCURR" as (select * from "HS30877D"."TCURR)
and similarly imported the other 4 currency conversion tables into my schema called "AMANDEEP".
Then I created an analytic view whose data foundation table is also present in the schema AMANDEEP. In the analytic view, I have made AMANDEEP as the default schema.
Now, I changed the measure type to "Amount with currency" and was going to choose the currency, but I got a message like "schema does not have the required currency conversion tables" and no option for choosing currency was displayed (I should be getting a list of currencies as I had chosen currency type as "Fixed").
Please help me on fixing this.
I am using Hana studio SP5 version.