I recently enrolled the Building applications on SAP Hana on Open SAP. They started with the development but said there are some pre-requisites for programming.
Before starting development work in the SAP HANA studio, make sure to have the following:
●An installation of the SAP HANA studio on your workstation.(i got the installation & will install)
●A live SAP HANA system to which to connect ( How to get the same)??
●A user on the SAP HANA server that has at least the following roles or their equivalent:MODELING, CONTENT_ADMIN (How to get these)??
And a link of the XS page so that we can see the output after adding our project name. the example is given below
id9397v3.wdf.sap.corp:8000/ project name -----> How to get this link.
Please help me explain in detail how to set up all the point to start programming.
Regards ,