I set up an instance at aws but I am not able to connect to this instance via SAP HANA Studio. I read a lot of threads that dealt with this issue but I couldn't solve this problem. I executed the following steps:
1. Instance is up and running
2. I assigned the Elastic IP to this instance
3. In the security group I assigned the ICMP Port and TCP Port (22, 30015) for the inbound side and ALL Ports for the outgoing side
4. I can reach my machine via ping
5. I set in my windows file C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts the parameters | imdbhdb |
6. I can connect to my instance via aws connection
The first strange thing is that when I am connected there is no user hdbadm so that I can sapstop and sapstart the database.
Finally I try to connect via SAP HANA Studio as described in http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-28294
I attach the files how I tried to setup the connection in SAP HANA Studio.
Please help me to find a solution for this issue. I currently participating at the openSAP course Introduction to Software Development on SAP HANA and therefore I would like to have a system up and running.