I am using a set of pretty complex CRM calculation views where one top level calcuation views may contain joins with 15-18 lower level calcuation views, with the lower level calculation views each representing one table. When I execute a query on the top level calculation view, it takes my HANA instance over 1 minute to resond to the request, even though there is only 1 resulting row.
The HANA Studio tells me the request "successfully executed in 1:06.993 minutes (server processing time: not supported by server) Fetched 1 row(s) in 0
ms 11 µs. This seems to tell me that getting the rwo of data was very fast (11 micro-seconds) but that HANA spent well over a minute trying to dynamically load up the calculation view, and that process is what caused the slow response time.
Can anyone offer some insights here? If the dynamic loading/allocation of memory for the calcuation view is the issue, is there a way to tell HANA to "pre-load" it into memory rather than dynamically load it for each query?