If I want to get the value of let us say the 1st, 1000th, 2000th entry of a particular field, how should I go about. I tried with the below logic. It did not work for me.
select belnr, row_number () over (orderby"BELNR") as ROWN from sapshh.bseg wheremod( ROWN, 1000 ) = 0
SAP DBTech JDBC: [260] (at 94): invalid column name: ROWN: line 2
col 32 (at pos 94)
I am able to fetch the values of the row_numbers of the rows I select however. The below query returns what I need. But when I use row_number in the where condition, it does not work.
select carrid, row_number () over (orderby"CARRID") as ROWN from sapshh.spfli
I also tried with $rowed$ and I get the below error:
select"$rowid$"FROM"SAPSHH"."DD02L" WHEREmod("$rowid$", 10000 ) = 0
Could not execute 'select tabname,
"$rowid$" FROM "SAPSHH"."DD02L" WHERE
mod("$rowid$", 10000 ) = 0' in 369 ms 23 µs .
SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: search table error:
[6901] Attribute engine function not implemented