At SPS 08 I used to do a little trick inside the SAP HANA Studio Debugger.. When I was looking at a "Data Preview" of a variable, I would click at "Show Log" to see the SQL generated, which was something like that:
FROM LUCAS."_SYS_DEBUG_TAB_767_VHNWH740_30003_358010_358012_1_648728987650556045_LINHAS_CR_10_14_18_DESORDENADO"
Using that SQL, I could do a more complex data analysis like subquerys, SUMs, etc.. But after upgrading to SPS10, when I try to execute the "generated sql" available at "Data preview - Show log", I receive the following error:
Could not execute 'SELECT TOP 200 "LINHA", "CR", "ROWNUM_CR_10_14", "ROWNUM_CR14", "ROWNUM_CR_18" FROM ...'
SAP DBTech JDBC: [259]: invalid table name: Could not find table/view _SYS_DEBUG_TAB_767_VHNWH740_30003_358010_358012_1_648728987650556045_LINHAS_CR_10_14_18_DESORDENADO in schema LUCAS: line 2 col 12 (at pos 91)
Any ideas on how to analyse the data preview of a variable ?
Thanks in advance