Sap Hana 96
Linux SUSE 11 sp 3
After redistribution after adding 2 hosts (imdbworker01 and imdbworker02)
after hana restart (soft)
imdbworker02 index server is not starting..
[37802]{-1}[-1/-1] 2015-07-01 19:22:20.993448 i PersistenceManag PersistenceManagerImpl.cpp(01373) : Garbage collection of history files running: 0 cleanup files of 0 done
this is filling the bottom of indexserver_imdbworker02_3003.000.trc
I have restarted with sapcontrol nr 00 -function StopSystem HDB
I have stopped HANA then run as
cleanipc 00 remove
df -h
is not showing signs of any near capacity volumes.
Your expertise is advised.
Thank you for your diligence,