Hi Experts,
I am using OData.request method to post JSON data for a HANA XSODATA service. This service exposes a table in the HANA system which contains CHAR as well as DATE field types. I have the code working when the table exposed via XSODATA do not have date fields.
But when I try to use the same code for a service that exposes tables with Date fields it somehow does not work. I am aware that the JSON date should be "/Date(.........)/" and have taken care of that in the code. But for some reason the BODY of the request seems to have the JSON data with some escape characters and this causing the issue.
In the above picture the date values in the DATA variable are correct and should not cause any issue. But I am not sure why the body has incorrect date and this seems to be the one causing the issue.
I am not sure if there is a better way to post JSON data to HANA XS engine to avoid this“Syntax error at position 0” error.
Appreciate your help.
Regards, Kathir