I have a query on a 3 node distributed hana system that seems to take a very long time to return results.
expensive statement tracing is enabled and the query is showing up for a few different tables.
2 of the 3 tables the query is called for are partitioned/distributed across the 3 nodes.
insert into #r1 (select *, row_number() over () "1row" from (select "activityType1"."client_id" "0","activityType1"."id" "1","activityType1"."fanprofile_profile_and_type","activityType1"."type","activityType1"."message","activityType1"."action","activityType1"."activitydate","activityType1"."fanprofile_fan_id" from "Repoprod"."Activity" as "activityType1" where ((ucase(("activityType1"."campaign_id"))) like concat('%',concat((ucase(?)),'%')) and (ucase(("activityType1"."client_id"))) like concat('%',concat((ucase(?)),'%'))) order by ("activityType1"."activitydate") desc,"0","1" limit ?))
Is there a good way to inspect this query?
We are on HANA 96, suse 11.3 linux 64bit..
Most if not all our quries are xsjs services, I do not believe we are using JDBC at all..
Is there documentation to distribute XS engines across the nodes? Is that helpful?
Your expertise is needed.
Thanks thanks.