I am migrating MS SQL functions to HANA calculation views .
Our application generates a SELECT query depending on the fields/columns and filters the user selects, the query is formed in run-time as follows :
For e.g. User chooses fields 'person_name', 'city', 'country' for output and 'country' is filter
(select person_name from get_name_from_country (x1.country) ) as person_name, -- this is col1 destination and can be modified
(select city from get_city(x2.country) ) as city , -- this is col2 defination and can be modified
x1. country as country --- this is col3
person_table x1 -- FROM clause is generated by the application
INNER JOIN active_person_view x3
ON x1.person_name = x3.active_person_name
INNER JOIN city_table x2
ON x2.person_name = x3.active_person_name
(x1.country = 'US' and x3.active = '1') -- the filter values are piked from user selection
I am converting get_name_from_country and get_city functions into calculation view and the new SELECT looks like below: But it gives an error for the below code at x1.country and x2.country in the sub-selects
(select person_name from "_SYS_BIC"."FG_TEST/GET_NAME_FROM_COUNTRY" ( 'PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$country$$',x1.country)) as person_name,
(select city from "_SYS_BIC"."FG_TEST/GET_CITY"( 'PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$country$$',x2.country) ) as city
person_table x1
INNER JOIN active_person_view x3
ON x1.person_name = x3.active_person_name
INNER JOIN city_table x2
ON x2.person_name = x3.active_person_name
(x1.country = 'US' and x3.active = '1')
Please let me know for any alternate way i can pass the values by reference to the calculation view.