Hi guys,
I am a newbie to HANA. I am now playing with SHINE demo application to learn HANA.
I created an instance in HANA cloud, and register a trial user.
I configured the HANA studio environment, made it connected to the HANA cloud, and imported the SHINE demo app into the HANA studio.
All configuration are done except the roles needed for the end user to access the SHINE demo app.
I add the role to the user using sql: call "HCP"."HCP_GRANT_ROLE_TO_USER" ('i076318trial.opensap.shine.data::model_admin','i076318')
and aftering excuting this sql sentence, it shows success in the log.
However, when I access the SHINE app from front end, it shows the "Request execution failed due to missing privileges" error
the following are the screen shots in case you need more information.