I need to calculate the market share by competitors respecting filters on dimension region (country).
Therefore I have build a calculation view which has one node in the bottom (fields competitor, region, marketsize). Then 2 aggregation nodes on top (1st one with competitor, region, marketsize, xjoin=1 and the 2nd one with marketsize, xjoin=1). Then I join both nodes over the xjoin fields, so that I have marketsize and total marketsize next to each other in order to calculate the market share (marketsize / totalmarketsize).
This works without filters on dimension region. But if I now apply a filter on dimension region, this filter is not pushed down, so that the totalmarketsize is independent of the filter. Is there a way, that the totalmarketsize respects also the filter?
A workaround is to use a parameter for the filter, so that I could apply the filter at the bottom node. However not all reporting tools can deal with parameters with multi single values.
Is there a way to model this with a normal dimension for region?