I have got a requirement where stock need to be picked up for current year/Period (MARV) and Previous year/Period (MARV) from different tables like MSLB (LBLAB, LBINS, LBEIN), MSKU (KULAB, KUINS, KUEIN) and MARD (LABST, INSME, SPEME, UNLME, EINME) and finally add the quantities and display for particular material/plant combination.
Here are my questions:
1. Since the Current and previous year data for a company code is in a single row in MARV table, each fact table has to be accessed twice: once for getting stock for current year and once for previous year. Can you help if this can be done in a better way by accessing each table only once.
2. Once after all the stocks are picked up, aggregation should be done on the row level and not column level. Can you please confirm if there is a way to achieve this other than calculated column.