Dear friends,
I have one calculation view, and I want to create an input parameters to filter the data,but After I active the view, I open data preview, it have the error message:
my code:
FROM "_SYS_BIC"."p1680829412trial.kevin.ODD_ANA.model/ANA_ODD_BWIN"
my input parameter:
because it is in trial, we don't have the data preview priviledge so after I active the calculation view, I excute this:
CALL "HCP"."HCP_GRANT_SELECT_ON_ACTIVATED_OBJECTS" and open data preview in scheme: _SYS_BIC, but it have the error message
error message:
so how do we pass the input parameters in calculation view, and when we select data form this view, it can raise the parameters for us to input the value to pass it to calculation view?
Thanks for your sincerely answer!