Dear Experts ,
We are in the plan of implementing SAP HANA SP09 in our landscape by using MDC concept since our solution is to use one HANA appliance for both ECC and BO .
I have go through some documents , here is my understanding , while installing HANA we have to choose MDC concept , initially HANA will be installed with default System DB after that we have create tenant DB as per our requirement .
But I have a doubt here , since I need two DB one for ECC and one for BO .
1. Can I use Default system DB for ECC and tenant DB for BO
2. Or should I create two tenant DB , one tenant for ECC and one tenant for BO . Leaving System DB only for central administration.
3. If I should go with option 2 , then what should be the minimum memory I should assign for System DB to operate , since we want to use the max memory for ECC and BO only .
Please advise me .