I have a Calculated View with one Input Parameter ($$Loc$$).
I have created a Filter Expression which looks like this: in("LOC_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE",'$$Loc$$').
In Data Preview, if I enter one location ("Pittsburgh") at the Input Parameter prompt, I get the expected data returned for location Pittsburgh and only Pittsburgh. If I enter one location ("Cleveland") at the Input Parameter prompt, I get the expected data returned for location Cleveland and only Cleveland.
However, I am unable to determine how to enter both Pittsburgh and Cleveland at the Input Parameter prompt in order to see the expected data returned for both locations.
I would be curious to know how, for example, the Placeholder is written (or is supposed to be written) for the use of an "In" Filter Expression:
This works: ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$Loc$$' , 'Pittsburgh'))
This works: ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$Loc$$' , 'Cleveland'))
These do not: ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$Loc$$' , 'Pittsburgh, Cleveland'))
('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$Loc$$' , ''Pittsburgh', 'Cleveland''))
('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$Loc$$' , '"Pittsburgh", "Cleveland"')),
The ultimate goal is to hit this Calculated View from an oData call with a Parameter entity string which requests data from the view based on a variety of user selected locations: Pittsburgh only, or Pittsburgh and Cleveland, or Cleveland, Columbus, and Akron. You get the point.
So, in a nutshell, how does one use the In operator a Calculated View Filter Expression.
Thank you.