I am getting the following Host Agent error on HANA installation, please help me out.
linuxhana:/tmp/hana-dump/51045150/DATA_UNITS/HANA_IM_LINUX__X86_64 # ./setup.sh /tmp/hanainst /tmp/setuphana.slmodel
Extracting installer into directory: /tmp/hanainst
Installer was extracted successfully.
SAP HANA unified installer
Enter the master password. The master password must contain at least one
lower case character, one upper case character, and one number. It must
be at least eight characters long.
Master password:
Reenter master password:
Starting HANA Installer
DVD location: /tmp/hana-dump/51045150
Installer DATA: /tmp/hana-dump/51045150/DATA_UNITS/HANA_IM_LINUX__X86_64/com.sap.lm.hana.inst-1.3.12-linux64.tar.gz
Working directory: /tmp/hanainst
Model file: /tmp/setuphana.slmodel
Log file: /tmp/hanainst/log/setup.glf
Updating/installing SAP host agent...
executing: rpm -Uvh /tmp/hana-dump/51045150/DATA_UNITS/SAP_HOST_AGENT_LINUX_X64/saphostagent.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
package SAPHostAgent-720.127-0.x86_64 is intended for a x86_64 architecture
/tmp/hana-dump/51045150/DATA_UNITS/HANA_IM_LINUX__X86_64/functions.sh: line 173: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec: No such file or directory
SAP Host Agent not running. Trying to start it.
/tmp/hana-dump/51045150/DATA_UNITS/HANA_IM_LINUX__X86_64/functions.sh: line 176: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec: No such file or directory
Unable to start SAP Host Agent. Please check Host Agent Installation
linuxhana:/tmp/hana-dump/51045150/DATA_UNITS/HANA_IM_LINUX__X86_64 #