in SAP HANA developer guide it is mentioned that we have to use the following command to create table in .hdbtable file.
table.schemaName = "HELLO_ODATA";table.tableType = COLUMNSTORE; table.columns = [ {name = "Col1"; sqlType = VARCHAR; nullable = false; length = 20; comment = "dummy comment";}, {name = "Col2"; sqlType = INTEGER; nullable = false;}, {name = "Col3"; sqlType = NVARCHAR; nullable = true; length = 20; defaultValue = "Defaultvalue";}, {name = "Col4"; sqlType = DECIMAL; nullable = false; precision = 12; scale = 3;}];table.primaryKey.pkcolumns = ["Col1", "Col2"];
i have the following questions regarding this.
1. where do i find the documentation and syntax for these statements.
2. can we use usual SQL statements instead of these statement in .hdbtable file.
3. these statements are used only for table creation or for all SQL operation (CRUDQ)...