Hi there,
I'm using the following server side js to call a procedure from an xs-appication:
var body = ''; var conn = $.db.getConnection(); var cst = conn.prepareCall('{CALL mypk.TESTPROCEDURE(?,?)}'); cst.setInt(1,4711); if (cst.execute()) { body = 'Ok' + cst.getInteger(3); } else { body = 'Failed'; }
The procedure looks like this:
create procedure mypk.TESTPROCEDURE(in factor1 int, out res int) language sqlscript as begin INSERT INTO "mypk"."TESTTABLE" (SOMEFIELD) VALUES ('1234'); res := :factor1 + 1000; end;
The procedure gets executed well and the result value is OK, but the INSERT-statement within the proecdure doesn't get executed (or at least no insert in the TESTTABLE is done).
When the procedure is called from an SQL-window the insert is ok.
What could be wrong here?