Hello community,
I have to battle with some strange server exception last time, doesn't allowing me to go forward in my work. I'm writing a simple XSJS application to consume data from the database and show it up to the end-user. The problem is: as soon as I try to load some .xsjslib library, server tells me it fails to process my request. The interesting fact is that it has been working all the day, but then suddenly stopped for some reasons. Here is the screenshot of the exception:
The code throwing the exception looks quite simple:
The package hierarchy is correct and was tested serveral times within different projects, showing the same exception. Has somebody an idea how to handle it?
When I first start the new project and execute the line of code above ($.import) it shows no exceptions. But then when I add some extra code (see below) it shows the error. Even if I remove this extra code it continues to show the error. Please have a look on it as I don't know how to solve it.