Hi guys,
I'm new in SAPUI5 development and I'd like to know how can I navigate through different apps definitions.
In my case, I'm developing a mobile app that uses the sap.m.App and in some views I'd like to use sap.m.splitApp.
First, I have a login page and a tile container with some options. Depending on the user's choice, I'm showing an splitApp with master and detail page.
Main App Controller: With this method I can navigate to my splitApp view
toApp: function (pageId, context) {
var app = this.getView().app;
// load page on demand
var master = ("Login" === pageId);
if (app.getPage(pageId, master) === null) {
var page = sap.ui.view({
id : pageId,
viewName : "view." + pageId,
type : "JS",
viewData : { component : this }
page.getController().nav = this;
app.addPage(page, true);
console.log("app controller > loaded page: " + pageId);
// show the page
// set data context on the page
if (context) {
var page = app.getPage(pageId);
Ticket.view.js: Here I add my master and detail pages to my App
createContent : function(oController) {
// to avoid scroll bars on desktop the root view must be set to block display
// create app
this.app = new sap.m.SplitApp();
// load the master page
var master = sap.ui.xmlview("MyTicketsList", "view.MyTicketsList");
master.getController().nav = this.getController();
this.app.addPage(master, true);
// load the empty page
var empty = sap.ui.xmlview("Empty", "view.Empty");
this.app.addPage(empty, false);
And it's working fine. I can navigate to my splitApp. The problem is that I have to go back to my Main page (with the tile container) in case the user choice other option. I hope to do that using the following method in my Ticket.controller.js
back : function (pageId) {
And, on the MyTicketsList controller, I did the handleNavButtonPress using:
But this, doesn't work!
How can I navigate through apps? Or, perhaps, How is the better way to create my splitter pages view, with Master and Detail pages?
Thanks in advance!