Hello everyone!
in Design Studio
- After 5-10 minutes not working with DS (connected to HANA) I return back and try Add a new Data Source or activate the Content assistancein scripts, application freezes for a minute and logs the following error (see below).
- The same thing, when I try to work with my Design Studio application in the browser after a 5-10 min idle.
in HANA Studio
- I may Open Data Preview of the table and when I Refresh this view after 5 min it freezes HANA Studio for 1 min.
- in SQL Console: after 5 minutes idle I execute sql query, it freezes for 1 min and returns with an error
"Cannot get the data provider outline
Data receive failed [Read timed out]."
My assumption:
Could it happen because of my (default) HANA database configuration, like idle_connection_timeout ?
I tried setting to "15000" or "-1" didn't help: How can I keep DB connection always alive in HANA Studio? - Stack Overflow .
My installation:
DS 1.4
HANA SPS8 @ Azure
Have anyone had these issues?
Error from Design Studio 1:
log:com.sap.ip.bi.bics.dataaccess.resource.impl.bae.exceptions.BAERuntimeException: Unable to execute SQL statement (GET_SYSTEM_VERSION) : SELECT "VERSION" FROM "M_DATABASE" (Connection to database server lost; check server and network status [System error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error])
BI exception with class "BAERuntimeException" and message "Unable to execute SQL statement (GET_SYSTEM_VERSION) : SELECT "VERSION" FROM "M_DATABASE" (Connection to database server lost; check server and network status [System error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error])". See default trace for log ID "6f91202c-c777-4184-9346-42323482bc8b".
ERROR [6f91202c-c777-4184-9346-42323482bc8b]: Unable to execute SQL statement (GET_SYSTEM_VERSION) : SELECT "VERSION" FROM "M_DATABASE" (Connection to database server lost; check server and network status [System error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error])