Hey dudes,
Our team is coming together and we wanted to start using the workspace for our views we are creating - attribute, calculation, etc.
So i did the following:
1) created a workspace,
2) enabled the Hana Development view
3) checked out a package (i was surprised here that i had to check out a whole package and not just ONE attributeview)
4) I went to the workspace to work on my object and find that the icon is thinking that it is a text file.
I'm surprised that Hana doesn t know what it is. I r-clicked on it and selected OTHER programs and it displays a long list of internal programs for editing.
I'm still not finding a program listing to edit the attriobute view.
Am I missing it somehwere in the list?
Also is it possible for me to only check out the ONE attributeview and not the whole package?