Hi ,
I am trying to call a stored procedure from Predictive Analytics Library in an xsjs, but I am having syntax error, would you please advice:
function generateData(table){ var conn = $.db.getConnection(); // var generateDataQuery = "CALL \"_SYS_AFL.PAL_DISTRRANDOM_PROC\"(?, ?, ?) with overview"; var generateDataQuery = "CALL \"_SYS_AFL\".\"PAL_DISTRRANDOM_PROC\"(?, ?, ?) with overview"; var cstmt = conn.prepareCall(generateDataQuery); cstmt.setString(1, "PAL_DISTRRANDOM_DISTRPARAM_TBL"); cstmt.setString(2, "PAL_CONTROL_TBL"); cstmt.setString(3, table); cstmt.execute(); conn.commit(); close([cstmt,conn]); }
The first generateDataQuery gives me this error :
Error while executing query: [dberror(Connection.prepareCall): 328 - invalid name of function or procedure: _SYS_AFL.PAL_DISTRRANDOM_PROC: line 1 col 6 (at pos 5)]
The other generateDataQuery gives me this error:
Error while executing query: [dberror(Connection.prepareCall): 7 - feature not supported: Parameterized input table parameter is not allowed: line 1 col 40 (at pos 39)]
Thank you so much for your support in advance,