Hello Team,
I am doing one of the calculation view with ,multiple fact tables.
As per the business requirement I need to get the data from (VBAK ,Likp and VBRK) , this is the report for order to cash .
I have created 3analytic views for this modelling (ORDERHEAR(ZORD), DELIVERYHEAR (ZDEL) AND BILLING HEADER (ZBHE )
Further, I created once calculation view (ZOD1) with joining of above analytic views .ORDERHEADER(ZORD) and DELIVERYHEADER(ZDEL).
Then I created another calculation view (ZODB) with joining of calculation view ZOD1 and analytic view BILLINGHEADER)(ZBHE).
My step 1 and 2 are working wherein step 3 If I select (billing document- VBELN ) as output , the view is not executing.
Can you suggest me am I doing the correct design or need to do a remodel in some other way.?
I have attached screen shot.thanks