I'm trying to use fulltext search on multiple tables with oData from UI5.
I have the following data model:
@Catalog.tableType : #COLUMN entity Repair { key repId: String(12) not null; document : Association[*] to RepDocument on document.repId= repId; @SearchIndex: { text: { enabled: true, fuzzy: { enabled: true } } longText: String(2000) not null; }; @Catalog.tableType : #COLUMN entity RepDocument{ key id: Integer; repId: String(12) not null; repair: Association[1] to Repair on repair.repId= repId; @SearchIndex: { text: { enabled: true, async: false, textAnalysis: { mode:#SIMPLE } }, fuzzy: { enabled: true } } data: LargeBinary not null; };
I want to search on both tables display the "Repair"s, that have a match in the repair itself, or in one of the referenced documents.
Ideally, I would also like to know which documents matched, but that might be a more difficult problem.
So i made a view like this:
@Search.searchable: true define view RepDocSearchView as select from Repair { repId, @Search: { defaultSearchElement: true} @EnterpriseSearch.snippets.enabled: true longText, @Search: { defaultSearchElement: true} @EnterpriseSearch.snippets.enabled: true document.data }
I expose it as oData service (.xsodata).
service { "foo.bar::DataModel.RepDocSearchView" as "RepDoc" key ("repId"); }
And access it with UI5 through an oDataModel, adding a search=.... parameter.
But this will return duplicate repairs, if the match is in longText or if several documents' data matches. Doing a group by on the client side seems like a bad solution to me and will make displaying the data with ui5 with paging etc. difficult.
Also, I still won't know which document matched or if the match was in the repair.
How can I get the matching repairs without duplicates?
Can I somehow also know and display on the client in ui5, if the repair matched or which of the documents matched?
Maybe this can be done using calculation views?