No matter what I try, I can't use tables in graphical calculation view. I tried the most simple exampe: Graphical calculation view CV_SCARR as Semantics -> Projection -> Table SCARR. The view generates properly, but the result is empty. I tried similar in many combinations: joins, aggregations with other views and tables etc. The bottom line is: if at least one table is inside, the result is empty.
Here is what I tried:
- replace the SCARR table with a simple attribute view AT_SCARR (just one table) in a graphical calc. view -> works fine
- create a scripted calc. view with the SCARR table -> works fine
- use outer join as SCARR table with some other view in graphical calc. view, where table is on "optional" side -> the view fields are OK, while table fields are null
My environment is:
- HANA system under cloud solution SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP & SAP Business Warehouse 7.4 SP8 on SAP HANA 1.0 SP8 [Developer Edition]
- Eclipse Version: Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1) Build id: 20140925-1800
- SAP HANA Application Development 2.0.8 (update ran today)
Many thanks in advance!