Weare currently testingtheXMLAinterface (SAP HANA Developer Guide for SAP HANA Studio - SAP Library).The connection is established, theMDXqueries andrequestsDiscoversomeworkalready.
Unfortunately, SAP Hana incorrect XML requests supplies. All timestamps (datetime) are not formatted correctly. Since the "T" between Date and Time is missing.
Here an example from Discover MDSCHEMA_CUBES:
<LAST_DATA_UPDATE> 2014-09-05 14:03:49.8910000 </ LAST_DATA_UPDATE>
Should be:
<LAST_DATA_UPDATE> 2014-09-05T14:03:49.8910000 </ LAST_DATA_UPDATE>
According toSchemethe field isof type xsd: dateTime:
<xsd: element sql:field ="LAST_DATA_UPDATE" name = "LAST_DATA_UPDATE" type = "xsd:dateTime" minOccurs= "0" />
Andfor XML, there is only a single formatwhich isvalid fora datetimedata type:
YYYY-MM-DDThh: mm: ss
Does anyone have aclue iftheerroriswhetherthe format can beconfigured?