Hello Experts.
I want to make a CDS VIEW about system status ( From TJ02T, JEST )
But. CDS view doesn't work Max aggregation comparing STAT field. I want to get only one max line but the result It has two line.
STAT field is CHAR5 . But MAX aggregation it works characteristc domain. isn't it?
Here is my source.
CDS Define Source |
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZVP3PSB90041CDS' @EndUserText.label: 'Project Status (System)' define view ZVP3PSB90041CDSI as
select from proj as proj inner join tcj41 as tcj41 on proj.stspd = tcj41.stspd inner join jsto as jsto on proj.objnr = jsto.objnr and proj.stspd = jsto.stsma inner join jest as jest on proj.objnr = jest.objnr inner join tj02 as tj02 on jest.stat = tj02.istat // inner join tj02t as tj02t //on tj02.istat = tj02t.istat
{ key proj.pspid as pspid, jsto.objnr, max ( jest.stat ) as istat } where ( tcj41.stspd <> '' or tcj41.stspr <> '' ) and tcj41.grpgs = 'PS' and jest.inact = ' ' group by proj.pspid, jsto.objnr, jest.stat |
But the result has two line like this