Dear all,
I'm getting an issue installing or maybe using the SAPUI5 Toolkit for Hana Studio. It is a fresh new sap hana studio installation.
I previously used it with no problem in a eclipse juno fresh new installation even if the sapui5 version is different.
In this case I used the sapui5 available to the SMP instead of the evaluation version free on the SCN.
As you can see ("1. hanastudio_components_details.PNG"), all the required components are correctly installed.
But, if I try to create a new sapui5 application project, no entries on SAPUI5 are presents in "File -> New - > Other.." wizard selection list, as you can see in the "2. hanastudio_wizard.PNG" and no entries in general
Any of you with similar issue? Any tip?
Thanks for your cooperation. Regards,