While i am creating analytical view, in datafoundation i am using certain tables like EKPO, EKKO and in logical view i am joining this data foundation to my attribute views.
Problem i am facing is i require MEINS field from EKPO table which is in my data foundation , Also in one my attribute views which I am using in analytical view has field MEINS as well.
When I try to activate the model it gives me error saying "Unique Constraint Check" Duplicate Entities MEINS Detected. Please resolve the name clash among columns.
I thought of renaming the columns but i was not able to find that option so at the moment I removed MEINS from data foundation, keeping the MEIN from attribute view only but I am confused if data will be correct.
Is there some way I can have both the same name fieds of datafoundation and Attribute view to see both have same data or not.
Kindly help.