I am trying to perform a logistic regression with SAP HANA PAL (without using an R server!!) and would need your help on two questions:
1.) Is there any possibility to add interaction terms to the model? I understand how to formulate models such as
glm(TYPE ~ X1+X2+X3, family=binomial(logit),data=dataset)
glm(TYPE ~ X1+X2+as.factor(X3), family=binomial(logit),data=dataset)
in HANA PAL but I am not able to calculate a model like:
glm(TYPE ~ X1*X2*X3, family=binomial(logit),data=dataset)
Is there an option that I did not find or do I have do construct the independent variables myself (i.e. in this case additional columns with the independent variables being multiplied)?
2.) For the "multiple linear regression" there is the parameter ADJUSTED_R2. There does not seem to be an option to return AIC or anything similar to evaluate the goodness of fit for the logistic regression. How can I get these statistics using only HANA PAL?
Thank you very much