Hi all,
I'm working on VizContainer and I didnt find how to hide the sidebar from that. Could you please help me?
I'm not sure if its name is sidebar or not but i mean these things
The codes are as you know in the below link:
// Prepare business data
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel({
businessData : [ {
Country : "Country1",
profit : -141.25
}, {
Country : "Country2",
profit : 133.82
}, {
Country : "Country3",
profit : 348.76
}, {
Country : "Country4",
profit : 217.29
}, {
Country : "Country5",
profit : 117.00
}, {
Country : "Country6",
profit : 609.16
} ]
// A Dataset defines how the model data is mapped to the chart
var oDataset = new sap.viz.ui5.data.FlattenedDataset({
// a Bar Chart requires exactly one dimension (x-axis)
dimensions : [ {
axis : 1, // must be one for the x-axis, 2 for y-axis
name : 'Country',
value : "{Country}"
} ],
// it can show multiple measures, each results in a new set of bars in a new color
measures : [
// measure 1
name : 'Profit', // 'name' is used as label in the Legend
value : '{profit}' // 'value' defines the binding for the displayed value
} ],
// 'data' is used to bind the whole data collection that is to be displayed in the chart
data : {
path : "/businessData"
// create a VizContainer
var oVizContainer = new sap.viz.ui5.VizContainer({
'uiConfig' : {
'layout' : 'horizontal',
'enableMorphing' : true
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%'
// oVizContainer.
// attach the model to the chart and display it
// set feeds
var aobjCountry = new sap.viz.ui5.controls.common.feeds.AnalysisObject({
uid : "Country_id",
name : "Country",
type : "Dimension"
}), aobjProfit = new sap.viz.ui5.controls.common.feeds.AnalysisObject({
uid : "Profit_id",
name : "Profit",
type : "Measure"
var feedPrimaryValues = new sap.viz.ui5.controls.common.feeds.FeedItem({
uid : "primaryValues",
type : "Measure",
values : [ aobjProfit ]
}), feedAxisLabels = new sap.viz.ui5.controls.common.feeds.FeedItem({
uid : "axisLabels",
type : "Dimension",
values : [ aobjCountry ]
oVizContainer.addAnalysisObjectsForPicker(new sap.viz.ui5.controls.common.feeds.AnalysisObject({
uid : "Revenue_id",
name : "Revenue",
type : "Measure"
oVizContainer.addAnalysisObjectsForPicker(new sap.viz.ui5.controls.common.feeds.AnalysisObject({
uid : "Population_id",
name : "Population",
type : "Measure"
oVizContainer.addAnalysisObjectsForPicker(new sap.viz.ui5.controls.common.feeds.AnalysisObject({
uid : "Gender_id",
name : "Gender",
type : "Dimension"
// Below compressed code is to fetch the data bindding logic.
ut={};ut.du={cd:{},vizContainer:null,};ut.du.createAnalysisObjectsForDataPicker=function(e){var d=e;ut.du.cd.dataset=d;ut.du.cd.category={};
var b=d[0];var c=b.length;var j=[];for(var f=0;f<c;f++){var g=b[f].type;var a=b[f].name;var h=new sap.viz.ui5.controls.common.feeds.AnalysisObject({uid:a+"_id",name:a,type:g});j.push(h);
ut.du.cd.category[a]=f}return j};ut.du.onFeedsChange=function(b,d){ut.du.resetFeeding(b);
var c=new sap.viz.ui5.data.FlattenedDataset({dimensions:ut.du.cd.dimensions,measures:ut.du.cd.measures,data:{path:"/rawData"}});d.vizUpdate({data:c,feeds:b});var a=new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
a.setData({rawData:ut.du.rebuildDataset(),});d.setModel(a)};ut.du.resetFeeding=function(f){var e=f.length;var h=0;var b=0;ut.du.cleanDataset();for(var d=0;d<e;d++){var l=f[d];var g=l.getType();
var k=l.getValues();var a=k.length;if(g=="Dimension"&&a){h++}else{if(g=="Measure"&&a){b++}}for(var c=0;c<a;c++){if(g=="Measure"){ut.du.addMeasure(k[c].getName(),b)}else{
ut.du.cd.dimensions=[];ut.du.cd.dn=[];ut.du.cd.measures=[];ut.du.cd.measureNames=[]};ut.du.addMeasure=function(c,b){var a={group:b,name:c,value:"{"+c+"}"};
ut.du.cd.measures.push(a);ut.du.cd.measureNames.push(c)};ut.du.addDimension=function(a,b){var c={axis:b,name:a,value:"{"+a+"}"};ut.du.cd.dimensions.push(c);
ut.du.cd.dn.push(a)};ut.du.rebuildDataset=function(){var g=[];var f=ut.du.cd.dataset;var e=ut.du.cd.category;for(var a=1;a<f.length;a++){var c={};var d=f[a];
for(var b=0;b<ut.du.cd.measureNames.length;b++){c[ut.du.cd.measureNames[b]]=d[e[ut.du.cd.measureNames[b]]]}for(var b=0;b<ut.du.cd.dn.length;b++){c[ut.du.cd.dn[b]]=d[e[ut.du.cd.dn[b]]]}g.push(c)}
if(ut.du.cd.dn.length==0){g=[ut.du.aggregateMeasures(g)]}return g};
var loadDataSet = function(dataset) {
var anaObjs = ut.du.createAnalysisObjectsForDataPicker(dataset);
for (var i = 0; i < anaObjs.length; i++) {
var data = [[{"name":"Country","type":"Dimension"},{"name":"Quater","type":"Dimension"},{"name":"Profit","type":"Measure"}, {"name":"Revenue","type":"Measure"}],
["Country1","Q1" -141.25, 35],
["Country1","Q2", 41, 25],
["Country2", "Q1", 133.82, 45],
["Country2", "Q2", 33.82, 89],
["Country3","Q1" , 348.76, 90],
["Country3", "Q2", 48.76, 23],
["Country4", "Q1" ,217.29, 43],
["Country4","Q2", 17.29, 23],
["Country5","Q1" , 117.00, 11],
["Country5", "Q2",17.00, 34],
["Country6","Q1" , 609.16, 343],
["Country6","Q2", 209.16, 34],
// attach event listener for feedschange
oVizContainer.attachEvent('feedsChanged', function(e) {
.height(oVizContainer.$().height() + 'px')
.width(oVizContainer.$().width() + 'px');
ut.du.onFeedsChange(e.mParameters.feeds, oVizContainer);