Hi all,
hope you can help me. I'm very new to ne hana topic but I am trying to connect a sapui5 application to a xsjs file that I wrote.
The xsjs is working properly in the browser. I defined it as a json file and as aspected the json is coming through.
But after setting up the model in ui5 I just get an error. Strange is that this error contains the value which I am trying to read in.
var salesModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel(); |
GET http://.../retrieveSalesData.xsjs 500 (Internal Server Error)
The following problem occurred: error - {"saleOrderData":"123"},500,Internal Server Error
Somebody said it could have something todo with the backend connector that leads into a nullpointer. But I have no clue, because the xsjs is working, the data is available in the 500 warning. So it doesn't make any sense for me.
Best Regards,