First problem: I have attribute views on M_TIME_DIMENSION and linked them e.g. to VBAP-ERDAT via SAP_DATE
the SQL date however is off by one day in my report (e.g. SAP date is 20130225, SQL date shows 24.02.2013 (1 day less).
checking M_TIME_DIMENSION individually however everything is fine
I first thought something is wrong with the table since our upgrade to SP5 until I ran into the ...
Second problem: I joined VBUP with VBFA and the GBSTA status shows B even though if I look at VBUP directly for the same key, GBSTA is C
so the individual table records are all correct but the joins in the analytical view are having problems aligning the data records correctly.
I'm using the graphical modeller and default join types.
I have quadruple checked my join connections and all.individual data records.
I'm using BOBJ Analysis for Office (Excel) to analyze the data.
any help or thoughts are appreciated