Hi All,
I have a column table
create column table "myschema"."tab1" ("col1" varchar(10), "col2" decimal(5,2));
I inserted 10 rows of data . Now I want to change the datatype of my col2 to decimal(6,2), hence tried the following as suggested in SAP HANA SQL guide,
ALTER TABLE "myschema"."tab1" ALTER ("col2" decimal(6,2) CS_FIXED);
which gives the following error,
Could not execute 'ALTER TABLE "myschema"."tab1" ALTER ("col2" decimal(6,2) CS_FIXED);' in 5.354 seconds .
SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: modify attribute error: [6924] Attribute save failed;index=myschema:tab1,attribute='<attribute unknown (id=211)>' (211),object=myschema:tab1
In the SQL Guide, it is mentioned
For column table, only increasing the size of a column data type is allowed to prevent data loss. For example, changing from nvarchar(20) to nvarchar(10) or from integer to tinyint will raise an error.
My table is a column table and I am only increasing the datatype size from decimal (5,2) to decimal(6,2). so Ideally, it should work.
Please help in understanding why I am getting the above error ;
Thank you,
Gayathri Ramesh