I have a DDL with basic entities header and item , which looks like this .
namespace test_cds_fu1;
@Schema: 'SYSTEM'
context cds_basic_entity {
entity header {
key header_id : Integer ;
item_id_assoc : Association [1..*] to item { item_id};
customer_id : String(10);
base_amount : Integer;
tax_amount : Integer;
entity item {
key item_id : Integer ;
key item_desc : String(30);
I want to create a view on item entity in another DDL file . It looks like this
namespace test_cds_fu1;
@Schema: 'SYSTEM'
view cds_basic_entity_v as select from test_cds_fu1.cds_basic_entity.item
h_id.header_id ,
h_id.customer_id ,
h_id.base_amount ,
h_id.base_amount + h_id.tax_amount as gross_amount,
item_id ,
But, on activation , it says cannot find artifact test_cds_fu1 . Could you please let me know what is right path name for the item entity ?
Anitha .