hello, experts,
I'm trying to install SAP HANA server(sps07) on some VMs.
But it failed several times on some of the VMs,and it shows that:
Installing components...
Installing SAP HANA Database ...
Creating System...
Executing SAP HANA instance failed!
Installation failed
Installation of SAP HANA Database failed
Installation failed
error installing
Cannot create Instance
Cannot start sapstartsrv
Waiting for sapstartsrv failed: timeout reached (120)
Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_HN1_hdblcm_install_2014-10-02_10.55.06/hdblcm.log'.
And then I check the /var/tmp/hdb_HN1_hdblcm_install_2014-10-02_10.55.06/hdblcm.log, the error message are:
10:55:33.312 - INFO: Output line 23: Creating System...
11:02:36.128 - INFO: Output line 24: Installation failed
11:02:36.128 - INFO: Output line 25: error installing
11:02:36.128 - INFO: Output line 26: Cannot create Instance
11:02:36.128 - INFO: Output line 27: Cannot start sapstartsrv
11:02:36.128 - INFO: Output line 28: Waiting for sapstartsrv failed: timeout reached (120) 11:02:36.206 - ERR : Installation of SAP HANA Database failed
11:02:36.206 - ERR : Installation failed
11:02:36.206 - ERR : Executing SAP HANA instance failed!
11:02:36.206 - ERR : Executing SAP HANA instance failed!
11:02:36.206 - ERR : Installation failed
11:02:36.206 - ERR : Installation of SAP HANA Database failed
And I checked the /usr/sap/hostctrl/work/sapstartsrv.log, the error message are:
[Thr 140023206184800] *** ERROR => SemRel: Inv. Operation. Units 1. Key=1004 [semux0_mt.c 1393]
[Thr 140023206184800] *** ERROR => Unable to open /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/descriptors.d
[Thr 140023146432256] *** ERROR => SemRel: Inv. Operation. Units 1. Key=1004 [semux0_mt.c 1393]
[Thr 140023206184800] *** ERROR => secudessl_Create_SSL_CTX(): PSE "/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sec/SAPSSLS.pse": File not found! [ssslsecu_mt. 1793]
[Thr 140023206184800] *** ERROR => SapISSLAddCredential(): Error SSSLERR_PSE_ERROR trying to create SERVER Credential
[Thr 140023206184800] *** ERROR => Initialization of SSL library failed -- NO SSL available!
[Thr 140023206184800] <<- ERROR: SapSSLInit(read_profile=1)==SSSLERR_PSE_ERROR
So, I do not know what’s going on here, would somebody help me?
Thanks a lot.