I created an Analytic view with three tables. The middle table is an association table which connects the two tables with ID's. I activate it fine and then when I go to do the data preview I get:
SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: search table error: [6941] Error executing physical plan: AttributeEngine: this operation is not implemented for this attribute type;index=NIEM_CORE:FACILITYPERSONASSOCIATIONTYPEen,attribute='PERSONNAMETYPEID' (203),BwPopJoin2Inwards pop10(NIEM_CORE:FACILITYPERSONASSOCIATIONTYPEen.PERSONNAMETYPEID, .PERSONNAMETYPEID to .FACILITYTYPEID),in executor::Executor in cube: _SYS_BIC:UNICEF/AN_FACILITY_NEEDS
No idea why I am getting this. When I have it as an attribute view it works fine.
Screenshot of analytic view attached.