Hi folks,
I was following the upgrade guide from Juergen Schneider but I am getting this user/password error.
I changed already the password of the root user and I also changed already the password of the dbuser SYSTEM.
I am a bit lost here, anyone any idea what I can do?
Thanks+Regards, Thomas
Checking installation...
Preparing package "AFL"...
Installing SAP Application Function Libraries to /usr/sap/HDB/exe/linuxx86_64/plugins/afl_1.00.56.377318_1097292...
Installation done
Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_afl_2013-06-17_08.27.02/hdbinst_afl.log'.
SAP HANA Database Installation Manager - Database Upgrade
Upgrade failed
Unknown user password combination
08:25:52.663 - INFO: | New link '/usr/sap/HDB/exe/linuxx86_64/plugins/afl_new' already po |
ints to the right version
08:25:52.665 - INFO: | Server version not compatible with plugin, skipping activation of pl |
08:25:52.665 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
08:25:52.665 - INFO: END: Installing SAP Application Function Libraries start: 08:25:52.64
8 duration: 00:00:00.016
08:25:52.665 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
08:25:52.665 - INFO: Installation done
imdbhdb:~/update #
imdbhdb:~/update #
imdbhdb:~/update #